Punch mark wood

Punch to mark wood

Punch to mark wood

Maximum size: 30x30x120mm
Max marking area: 30x30mm
Material: Steel unhardened

Punch to mark wood with a hammer.

To ensure that our customers can mark with hammer clear and uniform, the maximum measure we do is 30mm, for bigger measures we only make press dies.

These punches are made of a single piece of steel, they are useful only to mark wood, not to use to mark metal.

The engraving is very fine and sharp so that when hitting the wood the engraving cuts into the wood. If it were not so thin the wood would sink when hitting.

You can engrave on them custom logos or texts.

Marked by the beating of a hammer on the wood.

Note: These punches made with steel perfectly mark wood, but are not meant to mark metal, the steel is not tempered.


  1. Bonjour,
    J’ai besoin de marquer le bois avec des tailles allant de 54 à 62 avec une marque en plus pour les 1/2.
    Les chiffres doivent faire 12mm de Hauteur.
    Nous fabriquons des formes en bois pour mouler les chapeaux. Le tailles correspondent à la taille des chapeaux.
    Pouvez-vous estimer le prix de ces poinçons s’il vous plaît ? Merci.

    Tessier S.

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