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Die to mark wood with press or bench vise
Centering punch
Great punch of hardened steel with lace to focus in a way accurate punch on the workpiece and thus perform the marks of several letters perfectly centered in a swoop on aluminum heat sinks.
Acceptance and rejection bottles punches oxygen
Couple of punches according to the complementary technical instruction ITC-EP 05 or ITC EP5 bottle of autonomous respiratory equipment, BOE No. 31 Thursday, February 5, 2009 sec. I p. 12365. Steel cylinders containing gas must be checked regularly and marked…
Steel punch to mark leather and iron
The client needed a punch to mark the leather and the other to mark their saddles iron parts. Omella punches calculated you a measurement and thickness of the engraving ideal for both purposes in such a way that with a…
Punch 750 Tiffany & Co jewelry
Jewelry 12mm long punch to mark gold 750 for Tiffany & Co. The punch marked with your name, signature, quality of material and origin.
Wooden hammer with punch marked
Wood that has been marked with a punch of steel with the brand slowly. The quickest way of marking wood.